Hot spots must be over a picture or a text box to be recognized when creating a website. A hot spot over an empty area of a page or over only the tiled background picture will not be recognized on a web page.
Only linking actions are recognized at this time for hot spots.
A hot spot will be displayed as a web page link with the hand cursor and underlined for text links.
Next Page
This is not like the browser “back” button. It functions the same on web pages as in ProView, bringing you to the next page in your project. It also will “wrap around” the end of a project.
Previous Page
As with “Next Page” above, this function works on web pages as in ProView projects including “wrapping” back to the first page.
Run Slide Show
the slide show action is supported for hot spots (and picture actions). ProView creates a slide show page which is opened with this action. This page in turn opens a new window in which the slide show pages are opened.
The pages run automatically, changing at the display rate specified in the slide show options dialog.
NOTE: Set the rate high enough to allow for downloading of your images to the viewers browser.
Viewers may end the slide show by closing the slide show window or clicking on the “End Slide Show” button on the original page. (This button is automatically created for you.)
This action requires browsers which are Javascript compliant. When opened in a browser that is not compliant the viewer will receive an error notification.
New URL Location Action
Select “URL Location” from the action pop-up menu in the hot spot info dialog box. Type a URL in the “Name” field of the info dialog box. (A URL is a web page address.)
To open a page outside of your ProView website, type the full URL of the page you wish to open.
By using the “URL Location” action in the pop-up menu, you can have a hot spot that opens a browser’s e-mail dialog box pre-addressed to anyone.
Select “URL Location” from the action pop-up menu in the hot spot info dialog box.
Type “Mailto:” and the address in the “Name” field of the info dialog box.
This function is very useful for giving your visitors- an easy way to correspond with you.
On Images
You may use as many hot spots as you wish over an image.
When viewed in a browser, the cursor will change as it rolls over the hot spot and the area may be clicked. (However, it will not auto highlight.)
Within Text
Hot spots over text will convert to normal underlined text links when viewed in a browser.
They must enclose the entire word or words that are to be linked. However, be careful not to make the hot spot larger than the desired text as this may cause wanted text to be included within the link.
You may use as many hot spots within a text box as desired.